Message from the President
I.S.Rating started business in May, 2008, as the world's first private company for rating information security.
While IT is advancing in business, important information leakage has been increasing. Enterprises are making efforts to take control of the problem.
However, in reality it is very difficult for your business partners to understand your efforts, partly because there are no easy-to-understand levels of evaluation.
Our company was established with influential companies' investment reflecting their opinion that evaluation by a neutral, fair and reliable third party is necessary.
Important information is exchanged in business situations such as outsourcing, development of products and technologies, business outsourcing, and purchasing and supplying of important parts. We promise to make an effort to build a framework as a social infrastructure so that business partners can build reliable relationships through the rating scheme.
We will also work to spread the rating as a global standard (world standard) that is available everywhere in the world while Japanese companies' activities develop overseas, including Asia.
Makoto Miyoshi, President